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Newport Cigarettes

#1 von ylq , 28.10.2020 01:49

Does the filter look familiar to everyone? This is the filter, which was first used in Chinese cigarettes. The countersunk filter was applied to thin cigarettes. The potential surprise is in the silent research and development. Think about the taste of the first sip: You can check the quality of this pack from whether the first sip is spicy or not Online Cigarettes. There is no spicy mouth or throat, and the quality is good. Take a sip of the big cycle product, the mouth is very lubricating, and the sweet taste directly lubricates the mouth. The second mouth: The nasal cavity is covered with rich sweetness Marlboro Gold, and the smoke is still very delicate. Although there is only 5 joules of smoke, there is no faint smoke at all, but it is very full and has the satisfaction of high-focus cigarettes.. The third mouthful: Let the smoke stay in the mouth for a while, there is no odor, and the sweetness has also changed, but it is a more flowery sweetness, still delicate, and a sense of satisfaction when passing the lungs Very strong, and very smooth. The smell of the cigarette is a unique astringent and sweet taste of the mixed type, with a hint of vanilla and a light sweetness, but the smoke is still relatively mellow, with full smoke and a clean aftertaste Newport 100S. But in the aftertaste, there is a slight bitterness in the mouth. The taste of this cigarette is good and it is more popular with women.
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Newport Cigarettes


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